
2018 UEC European Championships – GLASGOW (GBR)

Dear National Federations,

We underline some major issues:


The Accreditation, Arrivals & Departure and rooming list deadlines for the Glasgow 2018 European Cycling Championships are as follows:

• Accreditation requests:                               15 June 2018
• Accommodation final payment:                   1 July 2018
• Travel information for all delegates:           1 July 2018
• The final rooming list by name:                   20 July 2018

By the 15 June 2018, every National Cycling Federation must have applied for accreditation for all potential members of its delegation (including athletes and team officials). Following internal selection procedures, National Federations will reduce the submitted list to the final members of their delegation who will attend the European Championships in Glasgow by the deadline of 20 July 2018. More information on the application process can be found in the ‘Glasgow 2018 European Championships Member Federations EMS User Guide – Phase 2’ that has been sent to each Federation along with the invitation to access the Event Management System (EMS). For any questions, please contact Glasgow2018Cycling@glasgow.gov.uk.


The National Federations must also register their riders directly on the UEC website (www.uec.ch). The registration will open on Friday 06 July 2018. Deadline for the registrations is Friday 20 July 2018 midnight Central European time.





Sunday the 12th of August the 2018 European Road Cycling Championships for the Men Elite will take place in Glasgow – Great Britain. The next day the Binck Bank Tour starts in Heerenveen – Netherlands.

We would like to make it possible for riders to participate in both races and therefore we give the riders the opportunity to fly direct to Amsterdam in a chartered flight Sunday after the race.

The price of each ticket will be € 390,00 and we need at least 40 persons on the flight to make it possible. The UEC will also cover one part of the costs for the chartered flight.


Time schedule (TO BE CONFIRMED):

16.45    Finish at the European Road Cycling Championships

18.00    Bus transport to Glasgow Airport

18.45    Check in – Fast track lane

19.30    Depart from Glasgow

20.45    Arrive at Groningen Airport (67 km from Heerenveen )


Please return the e-mail (mail@uec.ch) to let us know if your riders will like to use this opportunity.

I would like to have an advance booking before the 15th of June to have an indication of the need of a chartered flight. We would be grateful if you could let us know the number of persons/riders.



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