Social Media Platform and App for Athletes and Federations – 2018 European Championships – UEC
We are pleased to inform you that photos (competition and non-competition) and selected video content (non-competition) of the 2018 European Championships will be made available to you to publish and share with your fans and followers through your own social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram). This messaging and sharing functionality is provided by Unscriptd, please see the attached promotional Flyer for more information.
Athletes wishing to use the platform should proceed as follows:
- Signup to the platform at http://www.unscrip.td/ec2018
- Download the respective iOS or Android App to their mobile device
- Link your social media accounts to the App
- Once inside the App, athletes receive, add comments and publish the photo/video content to their fans and followers
- In addition and from the same App, athletes can access a library with photos of past events provided by Getty Images which they can also publish on their social media accounts.
Common Questions and Answers:
Q: Can the photo’s be used legally ?
A: Yes, the photo are licensed as part of the Platform and App license. For non-commercial use only.
Q: How do I know when content is available for me to post ?
A: You can browse the Getty Image library at any time use the Unscriptd App. Photo and Graphic content produced by European Championships will be pushed to you. You will receive a Notification on your mobile. You can then decide if you wish to post or edit and add your own comments to the post before sending.
Q: Does the App cost me anything ?
A: No, the Platform and App are provided to you at no cost
Q: Can I (The Federation) and team delegates use the App ?
A: Yes, for non-commercial use only. Please register and download the App using the instructions above.
Q: What happens at the end of the European Championships?
A: The Platform and App are licensed until the end of August. After this date, your Unscriptd account will be automatically closed. You can then remove the App from your device if you so wish.
Q: How to I get help on the App.
A: Online Help is available at https://help.unscriptd.com/hc/en-us/categories/115001186768-Professional-Athletes
Q: Are they any obligations to use the App?
A: No, we are providing this as a free and value added service. We would encourage you to use the App to ensure your Fans and Followers experience the event as you do!
Q: What are the 2018 European Championships social tags ?
A: The following tags have been agreed for use for the 2018 European Championships:
- The official hashtag that will unify the seven sports (Athletics, Aquatics, Cycling, Golf, Gymnastics, Rowing and Triathlon) and how people will be able to follow the official EuropeanChampionships sports story is #EC2018
- #TheMoment – the event’s official tagline – will also be utilised at key moments on social media
- The official Twitter account during the championships that will unify the 7 sports and how fans will be able to follow the official European Championships sports story is @Euro_Champs
The official website is https://www.europeanchampionships.com/